Marshall Darts


July 31, 2006

A Republican for Whom I Would Vote

Finally, I found a Republican who is going with his reserve unit to serve in Iraq. He is an incumbent running for re-election to the state legislature in Arizona. His name is Jonathan Paton. He is 35 years old.

It's nice to see a hawk who will actually fight. There are so few among them. Most are chickenhawks (see my previous post for a non-exclusive list of them). I might not agree with him on the war, but I commend him for matching his rhetoric with his actions.

Coming Soon-WW III-from the People Who Brought You Iraq

They never cease to amaze. The same people who have us in a mess in Iraq want to solve the problem they created by having more of our troops fighting a wider war throughout the Middle East and Iran.

Who is telling us this is WW III, and by implication, trying to justify a wider conflict to include Syria and Iran? The same geniuses who helped get us into Iraq. Newt Gingrich, William Kristol, Sean (high school) Hannity, Oliver North, William (the virtuous gambler) Bennett, Bill O'Reilly, Charles Krauthammer and Fred Barnes. Not one day of military service out of the whole group.

I guess they figure that if they can't win a smaller war they can win a larger one, though I fail to see how that follows. Do not expect even the U.K. to be around for the next misadventure the neocons want to undertake. Once Tony Blair is gone his successor has the perfect opportunity to get out of a bad situation and I think he'll take it.

Instead of figuring out a diplomatic way to get us out of the Middle East, these yo-yo's keep trying to find a military victory somewhere, anywhere, as an excuse for their strategic ineptitude.

The people are saying in poll after poll, "Get out", and the neocons are promising to drag them further into the Middle East quagmire.

This latest attempt won't work to scare the American people into voting Republican in November. Just the opposite, it will scare them into getting rid of their Republican representatives so that don't have to send even more troops to the Middle East and stay even longer.

July 30, 2006

Mel Gibson

Like father, like son.

Alcohol is no excuse. Booze took away his ability to conceal a deeply held and deeply hidden prejudice.

July 29, 2006

Global Warming-Unanswered Questions

It's unfortunate that we can't get past whether the globe is warming. If it is, there are a lot of important unanswered questions that need to be addressed.

"60 Minutes" repeated a broadcast tonight about how the Bush Administration is purposely confusing the issue. It showed how government scientists were having their reports on global warming substantially rewritten by a political appointee who was a lobbyist for the American Petroleum Insitute. He is a lawyer, not a scientist.

Just for the sake of argument, assume that global warming is occurring. Then the following questions need to be addressed:

--Can global warning be stopped at all?
--If it can, how much will it cost?
--What other actions will have to be taken in lifestyle changes (cars, air conditioning, pollution
--Will the public be willing or able to accept the required changes?
--If it can't be stopped, how will civilization be affected by a changed climate?
--How much will it cost to protect ourselves from the effect of climate change?
--Will we have to abandon our shore line cities?
--Will we have to have an intricate dyke systems like the Netherlands?
--Will arable, food producing land vanish and how will we make up for the loss of production?

We need to get beyond whether it's happening and start costing out and planning for it. We are wasting time and resources that need to be directed to these and other questions.

Are we fiddling while Rome burns?

July 28, 2006

"New Development" in Lebanon Crisis

CNN came up with a new graphic yesterday, "New Development". Was it a ceasefire? No. Was it Syria entering the war? No. Was it Israel pushing further north into Lebanon? No.

Wolf Blitzer got a ride in an Israeli Blackhawk helicopter over part of southern Lebanon. That was it.

Conservative, moderate, or liberal? None of the above. Just embarrassingly silly.

July 27, 2006

Media "Bias" in Cable News

One person's bias is another person's objective reporting when it comes to news coverage. I must say I find it humorous when CNN is considered "liberal" compared to Fox's conservative coverage.

Fox has a definite conservative bias and they don't try to hide it. Roger Ailes, head of Fox news, was one of Richard Nixon's media advisers back in the 1960's. He is prominently mentioned in "The Making of the President" by Joe McGinniss.

Nowadays, all viewers are encouraged to see everything, from politics, to news coverage, to theology, in a conservative versus liberal context. That leaves CNN "liberal" by default because there is no other credible alternative to Fox.

That view totally misses the point about CNN. CNN used to be a 24 hour news network. It is now neither liberal nor conservative. It is just an institutionally cautious entertainment program trying not to offend anyone.

There are no 24 hour news networks anymore as CNN used to be. Once primetime begins the news stops and the loudmouths take over. Hannity, O'Reilly, Olbermann, Matthews. They are the type of guys you hear in a bar shooting their mouth off so loudly that you and your friends decide to change tables so that you can hear each other in polite conversation.

Even "Headline News" which bills itself as a 24/7 news network brings in loudmouth Nancy Grace and some guy named Glenn Beck who seems to have appeared out of nowhere.

Greta Van Susteren is probably having a terrible time right now finding a missing, pretty blonde-haired girl in the Middle East.

Media Bias? More like more grist for the fake news mills of the Daily Show and Colbert Report.

CNN's Broken News

CNN's coverage of the Israeli-Hezbollah crisis has been the most comprehensive of all the networks. You can see why when they show you the number of reporters they have stationed in the Israel-Lebanon area. They put up pictures of all of them and it looks like the geneological table of a strange family.

However, the also have the most irritating graphics of any network. They have "Breaking News" of events that happened yesterday. They show "News Alerts" in the late evening of things that everyone has seen throughout the day and early evening. They have "Developing Story" that they use each time a bomb lands or a casualty is reported. What do they expect that Story will develop into?

They won't let up on the graphics while feeding the public the same stories all day and night long. Then they wonder why cable outlets have such little credibility and audience share. People hear the same "Breaking News" three times within an hour and they are bound to start looking for the remote.

It's one thing to have fake advertising. It's a more serious breach of the public trust to have false "Breaking News, News Alerts, and Developing Stories". Leave the fake news to the "Daily Show with Jon Stewart. They're much better at it.

July 26, 2006

Disgraced Public Figures

There was a time when a person in public life who did something wrong or unethical would apologize and ask for forgiveness. That was usually adequate penance for the misdeed to allow the person to continue as a public figure, as long as no crime was involved.

Then with the dawning of Oprah-era of television, a public person was supposed to cry in public. It was preferable to do it on Oprah’s show. However, if you weren’t that famous a public personality and didn’t rate being scheduled, you had to find another place. It didn’t matter whether you were male or female; tears and a “heartfelt” apology were the price of continuing in the public eye.

So many public people today seem to think that being on television or in the news constitutes “being.” Getting more than the fifteen minutes of fame Andy Warhol allotted everyone seems to be a life quest for all kinds of public figures, from Paris Hilton to William Bennett.

By the way I have noticed that Bennett, the Prince of Virtue has returned to “being.” After his public disgrace as the compiler of virtuous tales, he became an object of ridicule for his late night slot machine compulsion. Completely unacceptable to the conservative congregation to whom he preached. Hilariously hypocritical to the liberal sect whom he antagonized.

How did he pull off this public renaissance? He used a post-modern, post-Oprah public relations technique. He vanished from the public eye of his own accord until he felt it safe to come out again.

This self-ostracism technique is the new way disgraced public people work their way back into the public eye. It is based on the premise that the press imposes upon itself an indeterminate time limit on how long they will mention the transgression.

In other words, after a certain amount of time the press will think it’s unfair to mention that Bennett, the virtuous, blew eight million dollars of gambling losses after long, lonely nights at the slots.

Reverend Jackson used the same technique. As the old Beatle song said, “Hey, you’ve got to hide yourself away.” Jackson stayed out of the public eye until the press moved on to someone else's lawn. Once the coast cleared, he emerged from behind the curtains of his home and resumed his public life.

This technique is now the standard for disgraced public figures; to hide in self-imposed exile. That means having to give up being in the public eye for while. Gary Hart is back again, huffing and puffing on the Huffington Post seemingly once a week now.

No one dares bring up the womanizing that brought his presidential campaign to a screeching halt in 1984, when he wants to talk about how he predicted a major terrorist attack before 9/11. It would no longer be considered sporting.

Judith Miller, late of the New York Times, is using the technique now. She was sanctified as a First Amendment Joan of Arc one day, only to be exposed as a gullible shill for the Bush Administration line on Iraqi WMD the next.

She is now in retreat as Jesse and Gary were. No tearful “I’m sorry.” No apology. She's just in hiding until the time is right.

Doris Kearns Goodwin, a fine historian, was discovered plagiarizing. She was probably trying to churn out too many books too quickly. Publishers can be demanding. After exile, she has now returned to the public eye, providing instant historical analysis to a current event (an oxymoron) for PBS.

Dick Morris, ex-Clinton pollster, is now pimping his ride at Fox News as a born-again conservative. I still remember how he was caught cavorting with his favorite prostitute during the Democratic convention. He too spent his time in the metaphorical wilderness of non-celebrity. Now he now grinds his diminutive axe without even doing any polling, which is all he was ever any good at anyway.

Now that Bill Bennett is back, I would suggest that he can solidify his return to the public eye with a new literary undertaking. The “Book of Vices” would be a compilation of stories demonstrating how various vices can tarnish one’s image. Chapter one of his next book should concern the vice of Sanctimony, which led to his downfall before this latest attempt at public resurrection.

One caution to Judith Miller. Don’t come back too soon. There are still some reporters, like Dana Priest, who are exceptions to the rule. On a “Meet the Press” show recently, Mr. Bennett was arguing that the New York Times was wrong to publish certain stories about secret spying programs on Americans by the Bush Administration .

Ms. Priest defied the press convention that time out of the spotlight heals all wounds. Instead, as W.C. Fields said, she made sure that time wounds all heels. She pointedly remarked in rebuttal to Bennett that some people think casino gambling is wrong too. At which point, Mr. Bennett became very quiet. He realized, maybe for the first time, that silence was also a virtue.

Saddam Still Doesn't Get It

I see where he demanded to be shot by a firing squad, rather than hanged, if convicted. He said it was because he was a soldier, not a common criminal.

He still doesn't understand that he's not running the place anymore. Hang him high.

July 25, 2006

American Troop Redployment to Baghdad

Once again the Bush administration is demonstrating that they don't have enough troops in Iraq to occupy and pacify it. Bush announced today that they will have to bring more troops from other places in Iraq to Baghdad.

That means the the areas previously pacified will see reinfiltration of Iraqi insurgents. Our troops, because there aren't enoough of them, have to run from one hot spot to another.

As I blogged on 7/22, we should pull back and let them have their civil war. If we're not going to do that, though, and we're not going to bring in more troops, then we'd better start getting serious about who we're really fighting.

They should start by breaking up the Mahdi army, the militia of that fat little sheik al-Sadr. How is that group different from Hezbollah?

Our troops are acting like police instead of combat soldiers. Bush should either finish the job or get us out of there. These kinds of police actions will keep our troops there for years.

July 24, 2006

Can Wolf Blitzer Survive The Latest Middle East Conflict?

On a much lighter note than the previous two posts, I saw Wolf Blitzer on CNN tonight. They finally talked him into getting out of the "Situation Room" and over to Israel. Of course he's in Jerusalem, as far away from rockets coming from either north or south of Israel as you can get right now.

He "interviewed" Benjamin Netanyahu tonight. He allowed Netanyahu to overpower him with a monologue that Wolf wasn't able to stop. He didn't know what to ask and he wasn't strong enough to stop Netanyahu to ask a tough question. He looked as if he was in a coma as Netanyahu went on and on giving the party line.

I can't see Wolfy in the Situation Room much longer. Not when CNN has a real journalist, John Roberts from CBS, under contract.

Wolf's delivery is so monotone and dull that the Situation Room is the only news program on TV where they have to have a snare drum playing in the background while he announces headlines.

Get it over with, CNN. Replace Wolf with Roberts and you can drop the drum as a way of trying to introduce drama into the headlines.

Why Wouldn't You Talk To Syria?

Condi goes all the way to the Middle East and then refuses to talk to the country that the Bush Administration says is causing all the trouble by suppling Hezbollah. Why?

Why wouldn't you talk to Syria if for no other reason than to tell them to cut it out. The only way Syria can hurt Israel is to continue to supply Hezbollah.

They couldn't stop the Israelis from flying right over their president's home. So they're obviously in no position to go to war with the Israelis.

We're missing a great opportunity to split them off from Iran.

Condi's Stroll Through Middle East Politics

Condoleezza Rice's first trip through Middle East diplomacy certainly doesn't exude the frenetic pace of Henry Kissinger's shuttle diplomacy of the 1970's, does it? It took her more than a few days from the end of the G-8 summit just to get on a plane.

Now, at a leisurely pace, she is acting though she is on a state visit without the banquets, rather than on a diplomatic mission. She shows up in Lebanon to say she's sorry innocent people were hurt. She goes to Israel, supposedly to talk to both the Israelis and the Palestinians about a "solution" to the problem.

She'll stay just long enough to ask the Israelis how much more time they need for their offensive. Then she is scheduled to go to Rome to have more meetings with European nations about an "immediate" ceasefire, about two weeks after fighting started.

Meetings are useful for one of two things. To produce results or to stall. It's pretty easy to see U.S. strategy. Stall until the Israelis feel they are finished. You can tell by the pace and the tenor of her tour that Condi is going to consult, consult, consult, until the U.S. and Israel get the result they want.

July 23, 2006

TV Sports Ghouls Rule at the British Open

They could hardly contain their excitement at the British Open. Who? The Fans? No. All the little sports ghouls at ABC who couldn't contain themselves. Unlimited and ungodly references flew through the airwaves that the winner's father was dead.

But in their view, the perfect storm of all sports cynicism had arrived. It came with the opportunity, freely and frequently taken, to mention that the runner-up's mother had just died a week ago.

You could almost see them metaphorically dancing on the graves of Tiger Woods father, and Chris DiMarco's mother. They're doing it over at ABC's affiliate,, right now.

Did Woods genuinely feel the loss of his father at a moment of triumph? Of course. Did Mike Tirico, Terry Gannon or any of the other 'reporters' who it mentioned fifty times? Come on.

DiMarco looked sober, reflective and dignified while discussing the loss of his mother in his interview with Gannon after the match. Did Gannon and his cohorts who mentioned it fifty times? Gimme a break.

Week after week, especially at pro golf tournaments where there is so little to say, the ghouls look for the person upon whom they can focus their crocodile tears, while cynically hoping it boosts their ratings.

Tiger's father died over two months ago, and the sports ghouls still won't let him rest in peace. When Tiger missed the cut at the U.S. Open they still played "highlights" of his relationship with his deceased dad over and over to try to hold audience share.

I remember when Stuart Appleby tragically lost his young wife one year. For that whole year the sports ghouls on all three networks piously, without the least bit of regard for Appleby, mentioned it every time he played.

This weekly disgrace and cynical exploitation in the sports world really needs to stop.

July 22, 2006

Give Katie Couric Her Due

According to the Huffington Post, the 'journalistic' heavyweight, Access Hollywood, was the source that Drudge used in his report that Katie Couric wouldn't go to the Middle East. Access Hollywood has issued a retraction and an apology.

I think that leaves only Wolf Blitzer who won't go over (but he doesn't count, he's cable).

Let Iraq Have Its Civil War

It's become evident within the last year that Iraqis are now more interested in killing each other than in killing American troops. This was bound to happen since religious differences always result in the bloodiest consequences. Yes, Americans have a different religion, but the Shia-Sunni sectarian warfare is about religious schism, inherently much more volatile and fanatic.

Do we just cut and run then, leaving Iraq for the benefit of some other country due to our effort? No. Let's consolidate the few gains we've made and hunker down to see how the Shia-Sunni civil war plays out.

Move our troops and our Iraqi Green Zone government into friendly Kurdish territory. We can move back in if Iran or anyone else tries to intervene. Keep the Syrian border sealed. Reinforce the British troops in Basra so that the oil fields and the Gulf are protected.

The Sunnis, though a minority, will get plenty of help from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan. Iran will supply the Shiites. Our troops and puppet government will be out of harm's way.

Our troops will no longer have responsibility to control a territorial area too big for the force we have there. Yet we will still have a deterrent capability in the area.

No matter when we leave, a sectarian civil war will occur at some point. Why lose anymore American soldiers in trying to put off the inevitable?

This conflict looks less like Vietnam and more like the British Mandate in Palestine everyday. What did the British do? They left.

July 21, 2006

Hell No! Katie Won't Go!

I blogged about Katie Couric on 7/13 as to what I thought she would do as the new anchor for the CBS Evening News. Now the Drudge Report carried a story recently saying Katie Couric will refuse to go to the Middle East because "it's so dangerous."

She'll be sitting in the studio as her colleagues Elizabeth Palmer, Sheila McVicar and Lara Logan report from the area. Katie's excuse is that she has two young children. I'm sure many of the journalists covering the Israel-Heezbollah conflict do.

She may be the first anchor of the modern era not to report from the scene of a battle area, other than Wolf Blitzer of CNN (though he doesn't really count because he's cable TV). Welcome to the new CBS news, where the anchor is just a teleprompter reader, not a journalist.

Another recent adddition to the CBS evening news is its new 'investigative reporter,' Arman Keteyan. His previous experience was as a college football sideline reporter. The lowest rung on the sports reporting ladder.

He investigated such weighty matters as to what the coach thought his team had to do in the second half to get back into the game. Maybe in his new job he can investigate how he got the job at CBS instead of a real reporter.

Poetic Blogging

In addition to knitters, Blogger has many erstwhile poets. The only problem is that each poet seems to have read and been influenced by ee cummings.

Almost all of the poetry I've read has the irregular line formation he invented.

I would walk
hot coals to reach my

I would walk back across the dawn of a
new day
reach the nirvana of a free

Knitting and Blogging

I haven't been blogging that long. One of the biggest surprises I have noticed on Blogger is the number of knitters that blog. As I blog-surf by hitting the "Next Blog" button I never cease to be amazed at the number of knitting tips you can get on Blogger.

Everything from types of yarn to knitting technique can be found. There must be something to it because the whole knitting community seems to be an awfully happy group.

Congratulation to you, knitters. No 'rants', 'ramblings' or 'random thoughts'. Just a kinship covering the whole United States that wouldn't be possible without the Internet.

July 20, 2006

Israel has to Invade South Lebanon to Acheive Goal

If Israel really wants to achieve its stated goal of pushing Hezbollah far enough away from its northern border to avoid rocket attacks, it will have to carry out a full ground invasion in southern Lebanon.

Air power is never effective against guerilla warfare. It can devastate large, massed armies in a conventional war. All it does with guerillas is scatter them. It also kills more innocent civilians than guerillas, no matter how 'precise' the weapon is.

Air and sea power were used by the U.S. against the Japanese in island warfare to 'soften up' the enemy troops. When our troops landed it was found that there were plenty of Japanese soldiers still alive and fighting, guerilla-warfare style.

Massive, indiscriminate, bombing was used before and after D-day to no avail except to destroy enemy infrastructure. The Allies still had to fight a bloody ground war to end it.

The Gulf War and the mess America is in now also show airpower's limitations. The Israelis need to move in on the ground soon to kill Hezbollah guerillas instead of killing Lebanese civilians from the air. Otherwise, they will be stopped by the international community, having accomplished nothing.

July 19, 2006

Bush Vetoes 'Right to Life' for Thousands of Patients

He's proudly doing it as I write this blog. The President is vetoing a bill that would hold out hope for Parkinson, Alzheimer, and other patients by providing federal funding for more stem cell research. One thing you can say for him is that he is being consistent.

Of course, as Ralph Waldo Emerson said: "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines." Sounds like "Dubya," doesn't it?

July 18, 2006

The Poor Arabs Just Can't Get It Right

If you read the Huffington Post blog or the Drudge Report you would think that some big, mysterious international diplomacy was going on when Hamas and Hezbollah kidnapped the Israeli soldiers. Former Senator Gary Hart blamed the Iraq War on something that has been going on intermittently for years. Disproportionate prisoner exchanges.

Another theory is that Iran and Syria are indirectly responsible by winking and nodding at the kidnappings. It's all an attempt by the pundits to appear to see the 'big picture' in foreign policy. To give the impression that there is much more than meets the eye and only the pundit can see it.

I think all of that speculation is absurd. I think the Arabs just screwed up again, as they always do when they have a chance for peace with Israel.

Take Hamas, for instance. They want the world to take them seriously as a legitimate government when they won't even recognize Israel's right to exist. Sure. Then to make sure they further de-legitimize their regime, they kidnap an Israeli soldier. This in turn gives Israel the opportunity to bash them without world disapproval. Dumb, very, very dumb, folks.

Then to the north Hezbollah kidnaps two Israeli soldiers and gives Israel an opportunity that they have been waiting and planning for years; to destroy it. Hezbollah didn't need Iran or Syria to tell them to do something that stupid. They were quite capable of doing it themselves. Dumb, very, very dumb.

Some things aren't as complicated as the 'big thinkers' want them to be, ladies and gentlemen. Some things are very simple. Hamas and Hezbollah totally screwed up and the Israelis are making them pay.

The Arabs kidnapped Israeli soldiers and expected to get back hundreds as they have in the past. Bad calculation. Just the kind of typical miscalculation that will always assure Israel of ascendancy in the Middle East.

July 15, 2006

The Kiss of Death

I don't know if you saw the Daily Show the other night. If you did, you saw a clip of Joe Lieberman geting the kiss of death from George Bush.

It reminded me of Michael Corleone giving his brother, Freddo, the kiss of death in Godfather 2.

Republicans don't even want Bush in their congressional districts before the election, let alone a smooch.

July 13, 2006

Will Katie Bring Tears to the Eye of CBS Evening News?

Katie Couric is making a grand tour around the U.S. to promote herself as the new CBS news anchor in September. Nothing wrong about that, except that part of her tour is 'asking people what stories they would like to hear.'

The news reports presented are supposed to be the product of editorial judgments made by CBS news executives, not your next door neighbor. It's hard to believe that a true journalist, like Bob Schieffer, Walter Cronkite, or Dan Rather would pull a stunt like that. A morning talk show host? Yes. A professional journalist? No.

It raises the question as to what other 'innovations' the new CBS news will use to get out of last place in the ratings. My prediction is that within six months of being on the job Katie will find a story to cry about.

Her tears will bring the network nightly news closer to "Broadcast News" than we've ever been before now (I don't count Anderson Cooper's little crying jag since he's cable, not real news).

It won't take much to get us from Katie's tears to "Network," with another network using a maniacal anchor who exhorts us to all get up and say we're not gonna take it anymore. Anything for ratings when the network entertainment divisions take over the news divisions.

July 10, 2006

Bush's Stem Cell Veto Threat

How fitting. Our 'pro-life' president is going to let real people die so that inchoate embryonic life can be thrown away, or frozen for another day. I have a friend who is dying from Parkinson's disease. I have other friends whose parents are suffering in the same dark recesses of Alzheimer's that Ronald Reagan had to endure.

Sometimes life doesn't give us easy choices. Sometimes it creates hard choices. In the stem cell case it created a hard choice; existing life versus potential life. I come down on the side of trying to do as much as possible to save existing life, even at the cost of an embryonic potential life.

In six years Bush has not vetoed one pork filled spending bill. Instead, not surprisingly, he is going to use his first veto to suppress scientific research. It's un-American. My friend has lost the benefit of six years of stem cell research that might have led to a cure.

The irony is that once one of Bush's inchoate embryos becomes viable life outside the womb it's on its own. If it, as a baby or later in life as a child or adult, develops Parkinson's or any other life-threatening disease, that once favored embryo, now a living human being, will have to die in favor of another embryo.

Real life always sacrificed to potential life. It amounts to an unholy form of Eugenics or an unnatural Darwinian selection. Another bad choice by a President who makes a lot of bad choices.

The Real Problem with North Korea

The real problem caused by North Korea's bellicosity, rocket tests, and nuclear threats has finally raised its head. It is the potential remilitarization of Japan.

Another Week Begins in a Free Iraq

News reports are that Shiite gunmen went into a Sunni neighborhood and started pulling innocent people from cars and homes and shooting them today. It was in retaliation for the bombing of a Shiite mosque. I'm sure glad we got Zarqawi. Things are now settling down in Iraq. Another great week ahead for the president and the Iraqi democracy we've brought them.

It's a good thing the press only keeps a body count of American soldiers. It might get a little embarrassing to know the number of civilian Iraqis who have died since "Mission Accomplished" was celebrated. They don't seem to count for some reason.

July 09, 2006

Congratulazioni Italia

Now that the World Cup is over, will half the blogs on blogger/ disappear? No lo se.

July 02, 2006

The Easy Way to End the War in Iraq

Reinstitute the draft. Then all the apathy at universities would end and the administration would be worried about a civil war here rather than there. With no exemptions, except for the truly disabled, the future Dick Cheneys of the world wouldn't be able to just talk tough.

With politicians' children having to serve it would be 'cut and run' no matter which party, Republican or Democrat. With pro-war columnists and bloggers it would be time to really decide if they want to give their lives for their country in Iraq, not for others to do so.

I can see it now, Cpl. Drudge leading his chickenhawks Pvt. Andrew Sullivan, Pvts. Jonah Goldberg and Rich Lowry of the National Review, Pvt. John Kind of the WSJ, and everyone of draft age at the AEI, the Heritage Foundation, and the Cato Institute. They would be protected at the rear by high school Hannity (and proud of it!) if he could pass the army entry exam.

I would also reinstitute the Women Army Corps as the WACKOS for Pvts. Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin to join if they don't believe in women in combat.

Sorry Messrs. O'Reilly, Limbaugh, and Will you're too old to serve. You missed your chance to save America by skipping the Vietnam War. Like Cheney, I guess you had "other priorities."