Marshall Darts


July 31, 2006

A Republican for Whom I Would Vote

Finally, I found a Republican who is going with his reserve unit to serve in Iraq. He is an incumbent running for re-election to the state legislature in Arizona. His name is Jonathan Paton. He is 35 years old.

It's nice to see a hawk who will actually fight. There are so few among them. Most are chickenhawks (see my previous post for a non-exclusive list of them). I might not agree with him on the war, but I commend him for matching his rhetoric with his actions.


  • I admire the passion and conviction in your comment. When you say don't vote for anyone do you mean Democrats as well?

    Re:Castro illness. I used to feel the same way as you when I was in college. But I've watched him betray his revolution and make Cuba into an unacceptable police state.

    Thanks for your comment.


    By Blogger Marshall Darts, at 8/01/2006 6:19 PM  

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