Bush's Stem Cell Veto Threat
How fitting. Our 'pro-life' president is going to let real people die so that inchoate embryonic life can be thrown away, or frozen for another day. I have a friend who is dying from Parkinson's disease. I have other friends whose parents are suffering in the same dark recesses of Alzheimer's that Ronald Reagan had to endure.
Sometimes life doesn't give us easy choices. Sometimes it creates hard choices. In the stem cell case it created a hard choice; existing life versus potential life. I come down on the side of trying to do as much as possible to save existing life, even at the cost of an embryonic potential life.
In six years Bush has not vetoed one pork filled spending bill. Instead, not surprisingly, he is going to use his first veto to suppress scientific research. It's un-American. My friend has lost the benefit of six years of stem cell research that might have led to a cure.
The irony is that once one of Bush's inchoate embryos becomes viable life outside the womb it's on its own. If it, as a baby or later in life as a child or adult, develops Parkinson's or any other life-threatening disease, that once favored embryo, now a living human being, will have to die in favor of another embryo.
Real life always sacrificed to potential life. It amounts to an unholy form of Eugenics or an unnatural Darwinian selection. Another bad choice by a President who makes a lot of bad choices.
Sometimes life doesn't give us easy choices. Sometimes it creates hard choices. In the stem cell case it created a hard choice; existing life versus potential life. I come down on the side of trying to do as much as possible to save existing life, even at the cost of an embryonic potential life.
In six years Bush has not vetoed one pork filled spending bill. Instead, not surprisingly, he is going to use his first veto to suppress scientific research. It's un-American. My friend has lost the benefit of six years of stem cell research that might have led to a cure.
The irony is that once one of Bush's inchoate embryos becomes viable life outside the womb it's on its own. If it, as a baby or later in life as a child or adult, develops Parkinson's or any other life-threatening disease, that once favored embryo, now a living human being, will have to die in favor of another embryo.
Real life always sacrificed to potential life. It amounts to an unholy form of Eugenics or an unnatural Darwinian selection. Another bad choice by a President who makes a lot of bad choices.
Well the rub for our president or the pro life community is that embryonic life isn't 'potential' life. It is life and it is the way we all started out. And once we put categories around who is in the human family and who is out then we all become touchable. Peter Singer of course talks about human non persons. Doublespeak? And of course feminists and environmentalists agree with our president b/c they don't want human life treated as a raw material and they have real concerns about women being abused for their eggs to make all the embryos. I've read of 61 and 47 eggs being retrieved from a woman at one time....given a woman has 500 eggs for her reproductive years, give or take, that is a lot to take from a woman at one pop. Just ain't natural or good for women!
Anonymous, at 7/12/2006 9:39 AM
I think it is 'potential', Jennifer, in the sense that it cannot exist outside the womb on its own. As for abuse of women to obtain eggs my understanding is that there are a myriad amount of frozen embryos thrown away everyday.
Thanks for your comment.
Marshall Darts, at 7/12/2006 1:23 PM
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