Media "Bias" in Cable News
One person's bias is another person's objective reporting when it comes to news coverage. I must say I find it humorous when CNN is considered "liberal" compared to Fox's conservative coverage.
Fox has a definite conservative bias and they don't try to hide it. Roger Ailes, head of Fox news, was one of Richard Nixon's media advisers back in the 1960's. He is prominently mentioned in "The Making of the President" by Joe McGinniss.
Nowadays, all viewers are encouraged to see everything, from politics, to news coverage, to theology, in a conservative versus liberal context. That leaves CNN "liberal" by default because there is no other credible alternative to Fox.
That view totally misses the point about CNN. CNN used to be a 24 hour news network. It is now neither liberal nor conservative. It is just an institutionally cautious entertainment program trying not to offend anyone.
There are no 24 hour news networks anymore as CNN used to be. Once primetime begins the news stops and the loudmouths take over. Hannity, O'Reilly, Olbermann, Matthews. They are the type of guys you hear in a bar shooting their mouth off so loudly that you and your friends decide to change tables so that you can hear each other in polite conversation.
Even "Headline News" which bills itself as a 24/7 news network brings in loudmouth Nancy Grace and some guy named Glenn Beck who seems to have appeared out of nowhere.
Greta Van Susteren is probably having a terrible time right now finding a missing, pretty blonde-haired girl in the Middle East.
Media Bias? More like more grist for the fake news mills of the Daily Show and Colbert Report.
Fox has a definite conservative bias and they don't try to hide it. Roger Ailes, head of Fox news, was one of Richard Nixon's media advisers back in the 1960's. He is prominently mentioned in "The Making of the President" by Joe McGinniss.
Nowadays, all viewers are encouraged to see everything, from politics, to news coverage, to theology, in a conservative versus liberal context. That leaves CNN "liberal" by default because there is no other credible alternative to Fox.
That view totally misses the point about CNN. CNN used to be a 24 hour news network. It is now neither liberal nor conservative. It is just an institutionally cautious entertainment program trying not to offend anyone.
There are no 24 hour news networks anymore as CNN used to be. Once primetime begins the news stops and the loudmouths take over. Hannity, O'Reilly, Olbermann, Matthews. They are the type of guys you hear in a bar shooting their mouth off so loudly that you and your friends decide to change tables so that you can hear each other in polite conversation.
Even "Headline News" which bills itself as a 24/7 news network brings in loudmouth Nancy Grace and some guy named Glenn Beck who seems to have appeared out of nowhere.
Greta Van Susteren is probably having a terrible time right now finding a missing, pretty blonde-haired girl in the Middle East.
Media Bias? More like more grist for the fake news mills of the Daily Show and Colbert Report.
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