The Easy Way to End the War in Iraq
Reinstitute the draft. Then all the apathy at universities would end and the administration would be worried about a civil war here rather than there. With no exemptions, except for the truly disabled, the future Dick Cheneys of the world wouldn't be able to just talk tough.
With politicians' children having to serve it would be 'cut and run' no matter which party, Republican or Democrat. With pro-war columnists and bloggers it would be time to really decide if they want to give their lives for their country in Iraq, not for others to do so.
I can see it now, Cpl. Drudge leading his chickenhawks Pvt. Andrew Sullivan, Pvts. Jonah Goldberg and Rich Lowry of the National Review, Pvt. John Kind of the WSJ, and everyone of draft age at the AEI, the Heritage Foundation, and the Cato Institute. They would be protected at the rear by high school Hannity (and proud of it!) if he could pass the army entry exam.
I would also reinstitute the Women Army Corps as the WACKOS for Pvts. Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin to join if they don't believe in women in combat.
Sorry Messrs. O'Reilly, Limbaugh, and Will you're too old to serve. You missed your chance to save America by skipping the Vietnam War. Like Cheney, I guess you had "other priorities."
With politicians' children having to serve it would be 'cut and run' no matter which party, Republican or Democrat. With pro-war columnists and bloggers it would be time to really decide if they want to give their lives for their country in Iraq, not for others to do so.
I can see it now, Cpl. Drudge leading his chickenhawks Pvt. Andrew Sullivan, Pvts. Jonah Goldberg and Rich Lowry of the National Review, Pvt. John Kind of the WSJ, and everyone of draft age at the AEI, the Heritage Foundation, and the Cato Institute. They would be protected at the rear by high school Hannity (and proud of it!) if he could pass the army entry exam.
I would also reinstitute the Women Army Corps as the WACKOS for Pvts. Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin to join if they don't believe in women in combat.
Sorry Messrs. O'Reilly, Limbaugh, and Will you're too old to serve. You missed your chance to save America by skipping the Vietnam War. Like Cheney, I guess you had "other priorities."
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