Marshall Darts


July 25, 2006

American Troop Redployment to Baghdad

Once again the Bush administration is demonstrating that they don't have enough troops in Iraq to occupy and pacify it. Bush announced today that they will have to bring more troops from other places in Iraq to Baghdad.

That means the the areas previously pacified will see reinfiltration of Iraqi insurgents. Our troops, because there aren't enoough of them, have to run from one hot spot to another.

As I blogged on 7/22, we should pull back and let them have their civil war. If we're not going to do that, though, and we're not going to bring in more troops, then we'd better start getting serious about who we're really fighting.

They should start by breaking up the Mahdi army, the militia of that fat little sheik al-Sadr. How is that group different from Hezbollah?

Our troops are acting like police instead of combat soldiers. Bush should either finish the job or get us out of there. These kinds of police actions will keep our troops there for years.


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