Marshall Darts


July 26, 2007

People Conservatives Listen To-Rush Limbaugh

It will never cease to amaze who conservative reactionaries listen to in order to "understand" politics and world affairs.

We'll profile them periodically. Today's subject is Rush Limbaugh. Like the federal deficit, he's big, fat, and out of control.

Rush's qualification to be an expert in all things conservative is attendance for one year at Southeast Missouri State, not exactly the Harvard of the midwest, or any province in Serbia for that matter.

He flunked out and has no college degree. Yet conservative reactionaries with college degrees raptly listen as though he was better educated than they.

He dodged the draft after a doctor concluded that he had an open cyst at the base of spine. The deferment was undoubtedly due, however, because the draft board was surprised that Rush actually had a spine.

As a family values man, Rush like all other family values men has been married twice. He never quite got it right. He now evidently only patronizes prostitutes in Central America. Whether male or female is unknown.

Someone you want to listen to really closely, huh?

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July 20, 2007

Let's See; It's been about 8 Months

Let's review:

There was that Iraq thing. I see where we are still winning and may continue doing so for years to come, or at least until Boy George leaves office. The "surge", approved in January, is only three weeks old? Everyone knew the new math would not work.

The new Roberts Supreme Court is doing fine work. Give them a couple of more years to find new ways to re-segregate society and we will have the kind of racial riots that hopelessness produces, as it did in the mid-60's.

I see a number of Senate Republicans are taking more and more "courageous" stands against the Iraq War as we get closer and closer to election day.

Sorry to see that little twit, William Kristol, has gone insane. He is still writing about "winning" the Iraq War. Maybe in the next New American Century, little man.

I now know what the "I" designation before "Connecticut" means when Joe Lieberman is identified. The Senator from Israel is pushing Bush to expand the war into Iran by bombing it. Bush already thinks he is. Ain't no quagmire too deep for this guy.

I wonder if Fred Barnes has traveled down the road from the Baghdad airport to the city? He said about a year ago that it was safe. My offer stands to buy him a one-way ticket to Iraq if he will drive in an unarmored limo from the airport to Baghdad. Kathy Griffin has more courage. She's been there, Fred.

Need to get the Iraqis to agree on oil distribution and other rights? Bar the doors and tell them when they get back from their August vacation that they will have to meet outside the Green Zone. Watch how easy it is for them to "get to yes" then.

Oh, right. Scooter Libby got away with perjury and obstruction of justice. Boy George commuted part of his sentence. The hard time. Despite George's concern that Scooter would be in financial straits with the $250K fine, he paid it the next day. Hmmm. Was that from part of the money Fred (Ronald Reagan) Thompson raised for him? Oh well, he and Judy Miller can start dating again and he can whisper more "sweet nothings" in her ear.

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January 12, 2007

The New Bush Library

I see where there is great excitement about locating Boy George's library on the SMU campus in Dallas. There are university faculty concerns about having the University so closely allied with not only the library but also a Bush think-tank with an obvious ideological bent. That idea will be duly patronized and ignored by the powers that be.

In addition, since SMU is a metropolitan campus, there are concerns about traffic congestion, noise, etc. in the surrounding neighborhood.

If I were they, I would be more concerned about a more serious issue. That library will be a terrorist magnet. They might want to consider building the library in an underground bunker. The attack on the US embassy in Greece today with an anti-tank rocket shows that it can be done despite massive security.

After all, as Bush likes to say, everything changed after 9/11.

The Bushs' will probably move off his imitation Ronald Reagan ranch in Waco once he's out of office. They'll probably move into one of the posh neighborhoods in Dallas near the campus. I would not want to be his neighbor when an RPG grenade is fired through his front window.

Enjoy it while you have it Dallas. If I lived there I'd move to a very distant suburb when the Bushkin and his library move into the Dallas area.

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January 09, 2007

The Iraq Study Group

If you read the first 36 pages of the Iraq Study Group Report that constitutes the "Assessment" of the situation in Iraq you would think it was written by the Jerry Rubin, Abbie Hoffman, and the SDS of the 1960's.

You know the US has a real problem in Iraq when you realize such pessimism reigns among, and was written under the auspices of conservative Republicans like James Baker, Edwin Meese, Sandra Day O'Connor, and Alan Simpson.

The result? Little numb-nuts Bush is going on TV tomorrow night to announce an increase in troop levels and will completely ignore the Study Group's recommendations. The only thing he will do is plagiarize part of its title. "The (New, Boy George's contribution) Way Forward."

Get ready for 4,000 dead Americans. It will happen much more quickly due to this acceleration of the war. That was the experience in Vietnam. Leaving our soldiers in posts within Baghdad will expose them to many more casualties.

Well, Daddy did the best he could to get the little boy back in tow, but Boy George is determined not to repeat Daddy's "mistakes". He wants to make his own, new ones. And he will.

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The Real War on Terror

Reports are that AC-130 gunships are pummeling radical Islamists in Somalia. The NYT reports that it is making the Somalis angry. Too bad.

Somalia cannot even claim to be a nation state. It is a legitimate free-fire zone if it cannot control radical Islamists fundamentalists.

The ungoverned tribal areas of Pakistan should be considered the same.

Next will be reports that couples in the middle of weddings were mistakenly killed. There will also be reports that women and children were killed.

A little advice is in order: 1.) don't invite terrorists to your wedding. It could be dangerous to your health; and 2.) radical Islamists will not lose their family members if they don't use them as human shields.

Hillary and Obama and Bush's Legacy

Hillary and Obama should get together now. Bush's strategy is to dump the Iraq war on his successor. By the time this "one last chance" goes down in flames, the Dems will be able to elect as President anyone who can speak in full sentences.

Bush's legacy will be the creation of the second Islamic State in the Middle East. That should eventually get him the Nobel Peace prize since it worked for St. Jimmy of Plains, a bonehead who doesn't know apartheid from protecting your populace from suicide bombers.

By the time Bush and his radical rightists are done, the Dems will be able to elect a William Jefferson of Louisiana and Alcee Hastings of Florida ticket running on an integrity platform.

Conditions for Surge

Democrats should only agree to Baby Bush's "surge" on the condition that the idiots recommending it serve, with their children, in the military in Iraq. Not in the Green Zone, but on the streets of Iraq to the same extent real American warriors do.

That would include the following intellectual morons:

William Kristol;
Richard Pearle;
Charles Krauthammer;
Frederick Kagan (an amazing resemblance to Oliver Hardy without the mustache) who is so fat, chubby and soft he probably couldn't handle summer camp, yet seems so eager to have other people's children die to prove himself right about the war he helped ideologized us into;
Ex.Gen. Jack Keane needs another tour of duty as a grunt;
Sean Hannity;
Bill O'Reilly;
Rush Limbaugh;
Newt Gingrich;
Neil Cavuto;
Fred Barnes;
Britt Hume;
Roger Ailes;
Morton Kondracke;
Joe Klein;
Thomas Friedman; and
anyone who still admits being a neoconservative.

They can all do foot patrols under John McCain since his presidential campaign will be as disastrous as Bush's relabeled and unchanged "stay the course" Iraq Strategy will be.


January 08, 2007

All surges...

recede, by definition. The terrorists know this.

The Pentagon's New Advice to Bush


Bush's "New" Strategy

