Marshall Darts


August 30, 2006

UN Sanctions for Iran

The only people who seem to believe that the UN can agree to impose sanctions on Iran are the people who have belittled the UN the most. That would be the Bush Administration and, in particular, Ambassador John Bolton.

If they think they can talk either Russia or China into agreeing to any form of sanctions against Iran they are self-deluded. Why should either of those powers, both who do business with Iran, agree to sanctions?

The Iranians pose no threat to either country. There are no demonstrations in Tehran about "Death to Russia" or "Death to China." Just as Americans gloated as the Soviet Union became bogged down in Afghanistan, both Russia and China are doing the same with the U.S. bogged down in the Middle East.

Without their cooperation, any attempt to impose sanctions against Iran by the U.S. and a few European countries will be a miserable failure. We have absolutely no leverage with either country to make them agree to a sanctions regime.

It's a little late to talk about concerted action against Iran with the UN Security Council when we totally ignored its members wishes that we not invade Iraq.


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