Marshall Darts


August 26, 2006

Tony Blair Condemned by St. Jimmy

St. Jimmy of the Plains (GA) has condemned Tony Blair for being "compliant and subservient" to George Bush in going to war in Iraq. America's most sanctimonius, self-beatified saint was not aware of the irony and hypocrisy of damning someone else's foreign policy mistakes.

It has been a long time since the Iranian Revolution in 1979. St. Jimmy seems, in condemning Blair, to have forgotten that he was quite "compliant and subservient" to the Ayatollah Khomeini. So compliant and subservient that someday history will judge St. Jimmy to be the true founder of the first Islamic Republic.

I expect he will be invited as a guest of honor when the mullahs press the button for the test of Iran's first nuclear bomb. Tony Blair has made mistakes. St. Jimmy's foreign policy has endangered millions of people. Let the saint without sin cast the first stone.


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