Marshall Darts


June 27, 2006

Rush Limbaugh

Rush caught with a hidden bottle of Viagra under his doctors' names. Now we know why he's been such a crank all these years.

I'm sure Rush will react with 'outrage' at this invasion of his privacy, though he fully endorses the NSA's invasion of ours. As the right-wingers like to say, "Why should you worry if you have nothing to hide?" Whoops, he did have something to hide.

By the way, for a guy who along with his dittoheads hates lawyers, he sure hires the best, Roy Black, when he gets in trouble. Let's hope Rush doesn't get off on a 'technicality' as an evil trial lawyer like Black will try.


  • Viagra makes you cranky? He seems to be mainly joking about it.

    By Blogger Yitzchak Goodman, at 6/28/2006 1:47 AM  

  • The comment about crankiness was meant to imply that his impotentcy made him that way, not Viagra. Thanks for your comment, though.


    By Blogger Marshall Darts, at 6/28/2006 9:19 AM  

  • Why would someone have a prescription that does not have their name on it after the fiasco he's put himself though? He's only inviting trouble into his life. Of course people will be scrutinizing him. I don't think it's right to say that it should be done because he does it to others, but I don't think that *I* have EVER had a prescription that did not have my name on it, and trust me, I've had a LOT of prescriptions. It's beyond belief. I think this time, he shouldn't get away with a slap on the hand. He has a history, and just like any other crime, once you have a history, you're a repeat offender no matter how small it may seem. He's a doctor shopper - like he's always been. What crooked doctor would do that for him, I have no idea, but his license should be suspended.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 6/28/2006 9:40 PM  

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