McCain Wants to Send More Troops?
Sen. John McCain might try to pass it off as being a "maverick." His latest remedy for Iraq, though, shows that he also learned nothing from his Vietnam experience. He suffers from the same "Vietnam Syndrome" that Bush, Cheney, and Rummy have. We would have won in Vietnam if we hadn't hog-tied the military.
He wants to send in an overwhelming amount of additional US troops to solve the Iraq quagmire. That's what LBJ did in Vietnam and it didn't work. Dramatic escalation made things worse and casualties escalated exponentially. No one in the Pentagon even believes we have the manpower to do it.
I have never believed that McCain has the intellectual heft for the presidency. His troop escalation idea proves it. Courage and experience is not the same as wisdom. It proves that he's also not a very good politician since, like Bush, he is trying to ignore the midterm election results.
His idea is outdated by four years. It was right when Shinseki said it then. It is dead wrong now. Keep it up, Senator. I hope you get the Republican nomination and continue to call for more war rather than diplomacy. Then the Dems will stroll into the White House in '08 and finish off Bush's war realistically.
He wants to send in an overwhelming amount of additional US troops to solve the Iraq quagmire. That's what LBJ did in Vietnam and it didn't work. Dramatic escalation made things worse and casualties escalated exponentially. No one in the Pentagon even believes we have the manpower to do it.
I have never believed that McCain has the intellectual heft for the presidency. His troop escalation idea proves it. Courage and experience is not the same as wisdom. It proves that he's also not a very good politician since, like Bush, he is trying to ignore the midterm election results.
His idea is outdated by four years. It was right when Shinseki said it then. It is dead wrong now. Keep it up, Senator. I hope you get the Republican nomination and continue to call for more war rather than diplomacy. Then the Dems will stroll into the White House in '08 and finish off Bush's war realistically.
Troops are dying in Iraq because we don't have enough intelligence, protection, and weaponry over there because we don't have enough manpower. Bush, whether right or wrong, has set the plan in motion: we aren't pulling out. So McCain is right... the troops in Iraq deserve to be protected and strong. If we really must stay, we might as well not be weak and vulnerable to bombs. Good plan?
Anonymous, at 12/10/2006 7:36 PM
Sorry for the late reply Michelle. Adding 20,000 more targets in a sectarian is still not adequate to get the job done.
Bush and McCain act as though there was no election. The electorate said to find a way out, not to find a way to escalate.
A surge? Nice way to avoid the Vietnam term "escalation."
We're going to have reconstruction projects. We've hade 5 years to do that. How many suicide bombers do you think will volunteer to blow up the first public works project that is completed in Baghdad.
It is insane.
Marshall Darts, at 1/08/2007 9:55 PM
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