Marshall Darts


November 16, 2006

Abizaid Needs to Go as Well

General John Abizaid testified before both the Senate and House Armed Services Committees yesterday. His testimony proved the old adage that "War is much too serious to be left to the generals"(Attributed to George Clemenceau and others).

In his testimony, the General stubbornly resisted any suggestions by Senators from both sides that a policy change in Iraq is needed. He is in as big a state of denial as George W.Bush, Cheney and Rummy.

Abizaid seems as in favor of "stay the course" as Rummy. His only concession: Put in a few more troops, accelerate training of the Iraqis, and everything will be hunky-dory. Maybe 20,000 for 4 to 6 months should take care of things.

Generals are necessary and vital participants when it comes to short-term battle tactics. When it comes to strategy, the longer-term outlook, their opinions will always be prejudiced toward combat and winning.

It is the nature of the warrior, and if the politicians don't stop him, he'll create more of a mess in Iraq. Most military men believe there is no mission they can't conclude successfully. That is why a skeptical civilian eye is needed to oversee and command the military.

Abizaid has also been co-opted and discredited by toadying to Rummy's wishes and should leave with him. Only yesterday did he acknowledge for the first time that General Shinseki was correct in his assessment that it would take 500,000 troops to occupy Iraq.

We need a fresh look at Iraq. We do not need "stay the course, but hurry it up" as a policy. Abizaid's credibility is as specious as Rummy's. He needs to go.

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