Marshall Darts


August 01, 2006

"World Trade Center" Movie

I know its been almost 5 years. I didn't know anyone who died in the attack on the WTC. I still can't go to see a movie about it.

When I see the skyline of New York in any movie I think of those magnificent, missing towers. When I see an old movie with the towers it's still brings out a feeling of great sadness.

I'm not quarreling with the making of the movie. I just personally can't watch it. How do you feel about it?


  • I don't think they should have made a movie about it, though it was only a matter of time. I can't/won't go watch something that horrific. I guess you could say the same for the Holocaust, but I think it's still too soon. Oh well, there's always someone there on the sidelines trying to make a buck, and it's my choice to give it to him or not. So I won't.

    By Blogger Miss Anthrope, at 8/02/2006 7:49 AM  

  • Yes. Some things take much longer to get over than others. The killing of all those innocents is one of them for me.

    Thanks for your comment.


    By Blogger Marshall Darts, at 8/02/2006 8:36 AM  

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