Marshall Darts


August 12, 2006

The Unusual Suspects

How many times have we seen it over the last ten years? Not only about the young UK men who tried to bomb 10 transatlantic flights but a whole spectrum of criminals in the US and throughout the world.

"He was such a nice young man." "He was very polite, very quiet." "I can't believe he would take part something like that." "Come to think of it his behavior had changed lately." "He was more withdrawn." The problem is that we always hear about the change in behavior after the violence occurs.

I think someone should have a talk with the Israelis. They have dealt with suicide bombers for years. They probably have a profile of one.

One thing I have noticed is that most are young, known as timid, and are followers by nature. Given an authoritarian, older person they seem easily persuaded to do radical things.

"If someone told you to jump off a bridge would you do it just because they told you to?" How many of us have heard that from our parents, as succinct advice to think for yourself? It seems like the answer for most of these suicidal jihadis is "Yes."

Then the question is "Why?"


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