Marshall Darts


August 10, 2006

Cheney Resurfaces-To Say Something Stupid

According to Think Progress the Veep held a conference call yesterday (from NORAD HQ?). He immediately exhibited the kind of stupidity that would make anyone want him to stay hidden.

He said that the primary defeat of Joe Lieberman would send a "disturbing" message to the terrorists that they could break America's will in the War on Terror.

Yep. I'll bet on election night Bin Laden, Zawahiri, and their cohorts were watching the results of the Connecticut primary (rather than planning the mass destruction of airplanes flying to the U.S. from the U.K.).

I can see the terrorists with blue state/red state maps waiting for the results to come in from Hartford.

I also noted that there were 33 innocent Iraqis killed, 108 injured, in a suicide bomb attack near the sacred Imam Ali Shiite shrine in An Najaf today.

I guess the suicide bomber was also encouraged by Lieberman's defeat. How else to explain such a senseless, cruel and bloody act?


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