Marshall Darts


August 05, 2006

U.N. Ceasefire Resolution Passed

Great job. Only a few weeks of fighting left now that they've passed it.


  • This war between Hezbollah and Israel is like a match. You can't blow the whistle before the it is ended. So the UN is going to be generous enough to both Hezbollah and Israel by allowing them extra time in case there isn't a decisive result for either side.

    Sometimes war is like sport. The only difference, in war you must cause death, injury and damage. And mean it.

    By Blogger Abdelilah Boukili, at 8/06/2006 9:28 PM  

  • I agree with you Abdelilah. Resolutions don't stop wars. But there are very few wars that end decisively. People have a misconception that all wars end like WWII.

    They don't. They usually end indecisively from mutual exhaustion of the combatants. Korea, the Iraq-Iran War and previous Arab-Israeli conflicts come to mind. The 1,000 year war between England and France had many fits and starts.

    And WWI, the war to end all wars, turned out to be only a prelude for WWII.

    Thank you for your cmment.

    Best regards.

    By Blogger Marshall Darts, at 8/06/2006 10:19 PM  

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