Marshall Darts


August 24, 2006

Plan B Pill Approval-Major Setback for Pro-Punishers

You can understand why James Dobson's Focus on the Family and The Family Research Council would be upset about FDA approval of the Plan B pill. With fewer unplanned pregnancies there will be fewer abortions.

With fewer abortions there will be fewer unwed mothers. With fewer unwed mothers there will fewer welfare recipients. With fewer welfare recipients there will be less government spending on welfare. With less government spending on welfare there will...wait a minute! What's wrong with all this?

Oh, that's right. There will be suposedly be more sex. You are supposed to be punished for that. That's one of the principles this country was founded upon. If young, unattached women enjoy sex too much (or even if they're raped and didn't enjoy it) they're supposed to not only go to hell, but they're supposed to live in hell on earth too. So is their innocent, unplanned child.

Now I get it.


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