Joe's Still Got It Wrong
Joe Lieberman said he lost yesterday because of the excessive partisanship that has become part of politics. He's wrong. He lost to an opponent in his own party who ran an issue-oriented, anti-war campaign.
Lieberman's backing of a foolish president with a foolish foreign policy was not bipartisanship. It was foolishishness itself.
The Republicans should take note of what happened to Fox News' favorite Democrat. They know that anti-war sentiment isn't limited to Democratic voters.
Tip O'Neill used to say,"All politics is local." Well, when a young soldier is buried in your state or district as a casualty of this foolish war, that makes Iraq a very local issue.
Lieberman's backing of a foolish president with a foolish foreign policy was not bipartisanship. It was foolishishness itself.
The Republicans should take note of what happened to Fox News' favorite Democrat. They know that anti-war sentiment isn't limited to Democratic voters.
Tip O'Neill used to say,"All politics is local." Well, when a young soldier is buried in your state or district as a casualty of this foolish war, that makes Iraq a very local issue.
``He lost because to an opponent in his own party who ran an issue-oriented, anti-war campaign.``
Wow IM could not of said better areself's. This is totaly the deal here of Lederman got hosted on his own patard.
iraqwarnotright, at 8/09/2006 1:53 PM
It was strange to hear him speak of an intra-party struggle as "partisan". It doesn't make sense.
He lost because of Iraq and, even more concerning, his willingness to follow Bush on a similar policy in Iran and Syria.
Ultimately, things in Iraq will only get worse with additional American forces being sent into the midst of a civil war. That will add up to more casualties and make Joe's "Independent Democrat" campaign falter and then collapse in Connecticut.
No one wants to hear that the war was right but the tactics were wrong.
The war was wrong and he just doesn't get it.
Steve, at 8/09/2006 3:18 PM
Thanks for your comments, guys. Feel free to link me into your blogs.
I think the '06 elections are going to be all about the very issue that did Joe in-Iraq.
Marshall Darts, at 8/09/2006 6:10 PM
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