Marshall Darts


August 21, 2006

Flash: Male Enhancement Formula Fails

Breaking News: A new random and anonymous study on the male enhancement effects of the Iraq War were disclosed this morning by the Enzyte Enhancement Study Group (EESG).

A random sampling of the politicians, neocons, and chickenhawks involved in misleading the American people into the Iraq War shows that the war has failed to enhance the testosterone level or the male performance capability of any of the participants.

One side effect was noted. When initially undertaken the Iraq War did artificially inflate the chests of those surveyed to bantam rooster-like proportions. However, this artificial chest-inflation was not long-lasting. It disappeared within approximately one year after the insurgency in Iraq took hold.

The war was even less successful in enhancing male performance than the Enzyte male enhancement tablets advertised at strange times on cable TV stations with low audience ratings. Enzyte features a man smiling like a jackass throughout its commercial.

The study of the Iraqi War group found no smiles, and decided to leave it to the public as to how many jackasses were involved in the venture.

Developing Story, too.


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