The Lieberman Conundrum
Now that the party celebrating the defeat of Joe "Me First" Lieberman is over, Democrats and fellow bloggers are realizing the danger of his independent candidacy. Joe's decision to be the Bush Administration's quisling is not surprising.
Bush's kisses, and heavy political petting by Karl Rove, were bound to get Joe to go all the way.
Joe will still have all the advantages of incumbency in November, except now he will be bankrolled by establishment Republicans rather than establishment Democrats.
Lamont should still run primarily as an anti-war Democrat. It's the way he beat Joe the last time and the way he can beat him again. Remember a lot of Republicans also want out of the fruitless undertaking that is Iraq. Getting out of Iraq is their number one issue too.
Lamont should show all the pictures of Joe with Bush that he can. Bush's approval rating is about 36%. The Republicans may think Joe is being helped by being the only nominal Democrat invited to bill signings, but Bush is still the kiss of death for most Republicans and Independents.
Certainly Lamont should show the public that Joe is an opportunistic power-monger, more interested in staying in the Senate than doing the right thing. He also needs to show that Joe's positions are closer to Bush than to the Democratic Party.
Put Joe on the defensive about his plans to get us out of Iraq. Let him explain how he can still morally support a war started under false pretenses. Ask him if he remembers the Vietnam war and what his position was.
When he asks you for a date for withdrawal, ask him whether an open-ended commitment of our troops is good for them. How many more years does Joe think it will take to get us out, and does he think the American people willing to "stay Joe's course?"
Remember, no matter what Joe talks about, whether radical liberals, gays and marriage, soft on terrorism, the issue is Iraq. Despite what Al Sharpton calls "inclusiveness," it will be a great mistake not to limit his presence in the campaign if you want Republican votes. The Democrats don't need "Me First" Sharpton in the party anymore than they need "Me First" Joe Lieberman.
Make Bush Joe's albatross, not Sharpton or gay marriage yours. There is no puzzle that can't be solved. Finally, establish that "supporting the troops" at this point means bringing them home, not leaving them as sitting ducks in the desert.
Bush's kisses, and heavy political petting by Karl Rove, were bound to get Joe to go all the way.
Joe will still have all the advantages of incumbency in November, except now he will be bankrolled by establishment Republicans rather than establishment Democrats.
Lamont should still run primarily as an anti-war Democrat. It's the way he beat Joe the last time and the way he can beat him again. Remember a lot of Republicans also want out of the fruitless undertaking that is Iraq. Getting out of Iraq is their number one issue too.
Lamont should show all the pictures of Joe with Bush that he can. Bush's approval rating is about 36%. The Republicans may think Joe is being helped by being the only nominal Democrat invited to bill signings, but Bush is still the kiss of death for most Republicans and Independents.
Certainly Lamont should show the public that Joe is an opportunistic power-monger, more interested in staying in the Senate than doing the right thing. He also needs to show that Joe's positions are closer to Bush than to the Democratic Party.
Put Joe on the defensive about his plans to get us out of Iraq. Let him explain how he can still morally support a war started under false pretenses. Ask him if he remembers the Vietnam war and what his position was.
When he asks you for a date for withdrawal, ask him whether an open-ended commitment of our troops is good for them. How many more years does Joe think it will take to get us out, and does he think the American people willing to "stay Joe's course?"
Remember, no matter what Joe talks about, whether radical liberals, gays and marriage, soft on terrorism, the issue is Iraq. Despite what Al Sharpton calls "inclusiveness," it will be a great mistake not to limit his presence in the campaign if you want Republican votes. The Democrats don't need "Me First" Sharpton in the party anymore than they need "Me First" Joe Lieberman.
Make Bush Joe's albatross, not Sharpton or gay marriage yours. There is no puzzle that can't be solved. Finally, establish that "supporting the troops" at this point means bringing them home, not leaving them as sitting ducks in the desert.
While Bush is the Kiss of Death for most republicans, I don't think that would be true of a democrat. The hatred is for very different reasons from each party. And a pol who would be in a position to ally with Bush would already have been ailenated by so much of the democratic party that he would have far more to gain than loose. It is a good way pick up the middle. It also demonstrates commitment to rationality over political gaming, having chosen judicious policy over popularity. That character is something that comes into focus when people actually vote. I think people become much more objective when they actually vote than they are when they are polled or are in a discussion.
aaron, at 8/20/2006 12:58 AM
Thanks for your comment Aaron but it depends I guess on where one thinks the middle will be in November. I think it will be antiwar. The argument you put forward about rationality over political gaming is certainly one Sen. Lieberman will probably use, but my theory is that the middle, independents, Republicans and Democrats in Connecticut will be anti-war.
I don't think people are willing to live iwth an open-ended commitment to war in Iraq. The biggest asset he has is not Bush. It is his own popularity built up in the state by his previous service. I still think too much Bush and he will lose.
Marshall Darts, at 8/20/2006 10:53 AM
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