Marshall Darts


August 20, 2006

McCain Will be the Same as Bush on Iraq

John McCain is more articulate and charming than Boy George can ever hope to be. He even has Jon Stewart enamored. He has successfully painted himself as a maverick. Don't let the charisma overwhelm his record. He is a hard-right conservative.

On "Meet the Press" today he blew his cover a little. On the war in Iraq, he said "we can't just leave." Same as Boy George.

McCain's complaint is that we have never had enough troops on the ground in Iraq. That was a correct critique; three years ago, not now. It's too late to change that deficiency.

I'm concerned that with a President McCain, we will get an escalation of the war, as Nixon did in Vietnam, rather than a de-escalation and exit.

Be careful. Senator Hagel is the only really anti-war Republican I've seen so far.


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