Marshall Darts


October 03, 2006

Condi Girl Covers-Up Too

Condoleezza Rice is into her own cover-up these days, thanks to Bob Woodward's new book. Woodward revealed that Condi Girl got a dramatic briefing from George Tenet and an aide in July about an almost certain strike against the U.S. by Bin Laden. She brushed them off.

Her response to Woodward's reporting was typical Watergate-style. It was that she "did not recall" the meeting. That's the old Ehrlichman-Haldeman shtik. She also said it was "incomprehensible" that she was told about an imminent threat from al-Qaeda at that meeting.

She has now gone into Ehrlichman's "modified, limited hang-out" routine. When you are caught in a lie you suddenly remember that part, but then try to minimize its importance.

Caught in that lie by the NY Times, she now remembers the meeting, but the information was "not new" and didn't amount to an urgent warning, her spokesman says, Ehrlichman-style.

To the contrary, intelligence officials say the presentation was a "10 on a scale of 1 to 10...". Let's see, then she received a briefing paper in August that was entitled "Bin Laden determined to strike in US" and still did nothing.

Isn't she the one who was so indignant when Clinton told Fox News that he had done more than the Bush Administration to kill Bin Laden?


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