Marshall Darts


September 20, 2006

Bill O'Reilly on al-Qeada Death List?

Bill told Barbara Walters that he and others at Fox were on an al-Qaeda hit list. He asserted that the FBI told him so. No word on whether Babs or anyone else at ABC tried to confirm the assertion.

Despite what a substantial number of Americans of all faiths may want, if I was al-Qaeda I'd want him on in primetime preaching his hate-based initiatives against Muslims.

I wouldn't let any Muslim touch him. He's the perfect xenophobe to alienate and radicalize our Muslim population.

By the way, has Bill demanded that the Pope apologize for his insultingly medieval reference to Islam? Has Bill wondered out loud why more Christians haven't come out and denounced what the Pope said? He expects Imams and ordinary Arabs to do so all the time.

Onward Christian soldier, culture warrior, and patriotic caricature.


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