Marshall Darts


September 06, 2006

Beware Democrats: A Republican Issue with Legs

Gay marriage has finally played out as a wedge issue. Terror has become secondary to getting out of Iraq. That doesn't mean the Republicans are without an issue that can help them keep the House. That issue is illegal immigration.

I posted about the disturbing effects of illegal immigration on the border state in which I live on 8/11. My conclusion was to build the wall first and stop the flow. Then deal with how to handle the illegal immigrants that are here.

The NYT has an interesting article today about how the "build the wall first" issue is resonating not only with Republicans but also with independent voters. In Colorado, no less. Hardly a border state.

It could be the decisive issue in many swing districts if Democrats don't maintain Iraq as the issue in the campaign. Illegal immigrants aren't killing American soldiers.

For Democrats to argue in favor of a guest worker program is a loser. When Republicans talk about immigration, Democrats should acknowledge the problem and then go right back to the Iraq issue.

Iraq, Iraq, Iraq. You win. Illegal immigration without a wall first, you lose.


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