Marshall Darts


September 11, 2006

Abu Ghraib's New Jailers

Among the institutions the U.S. turned over to the new Iraq government recently were the jails. Now that the U.S. is out of there things are much improved, right? Not exactly. What Iraqi jailers are doing to Iraqi prisoners at Abu-Ghraib makes the U.S. scandal pale by comparison.

The new "unity" government has merely substituted a new group of Iraqis treating their countrymen barbarically for the previous group of Saddam's Iraqi jailers who treated them barbarically.

You can see how bad it is by linking to the story in the UK Telegraph newspaper

This doesn't excuse what Americans did at Abu-Ghraib. It's just another example of how getting rid of Saddam in name of the War on Terror accomplished nothing but the destabilization of the Middle East and just changed the roles of the torturer and the tortured between Iraqis.


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